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IPFS News Link • LGBTQ-Gay Rights

Disney Tops Long List Of Woke Failures With Upcoming Release Of Gay Star Wars Show

•, by Tyler Durden

Their collective identity revolves around who they lust after, how to virtue signal to the herd and who is supposedly the most oppressed.  Remove these things from their daily lives and there's not much left to look at.  They could disappear tomorrow along with all of their media products and the world wouldn't miss them in the slightest.  

When a company chooses to pander to this small margin of the population there's very little profit to be made.  A few years ago ESG lending was the big motivator for corporations to promote far-left ideology – With every progressive product, progressive commercial and progressive employment policy those businesses added to their overall ESG score.

Cheap debt from global conglomerates like Blackrock created the fuel that made the woke movement possible.  However, with the advent of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes ESG loans were no longer viable and venture capital dried up.

In other words, woke companies used to be able to distribute propaganda despite ample consumer opposition.  They could pump out all the DEI they wanted, alienate the majority of their customer base and not worry.  Now, those days are over.

Case in point – The numerous failures of Disney.

Once a media juggernaut that could not be stopped, the company is currently on the ropes after an endless list of woke bombs.  Their journey to self destruction really started with their attempt to subvert Star Wars; perhaps the most popular franchise in film history.  The addition of feminist politics, forced diversity and an obvious hatred of the original characters drove away their audience until there was nothing left.  In terms of box office receipts, after ten years Disney still has yet to make back the $4 billion they paid George Lucas to get the rights.