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IPFS News Link • FBI

Hunter Biden's Laptop NOT Tampered With, Says FBI Witness

•, by Jamie White

When asked if she'd seen any evidence of tampering of data from Hunter's laptop, FBI agent Erika Jensen, a witness for Special Counsel David Weiss' team, replied, "No."

Hunter's attorney Abbe Lowell then asked Jensen during cross examination, "Did you find out if any of the files had been tampered with?"

"I did not," Jensen replied.

The testimony debunks repeated claims by Hunter's associates and lawyers that his laptop was subject to "manipulation" and "hacking."

Hunter's lawyers last month had claimed they would dispute the authenticity of the laptop if the DOJ moved to submit it into evidence.

"Defense counsel has numerous reasons to believe the data had been altered and compromised before investigators obtained the electronic material," his lawyers wrote.

But Weiss shot down Hunter's defense team's argument before submitting the laptop into evidence, confirming that it was indeed authentic.

"He has not shown any of the actual evidence in this case is unreliable or inauthentic, because there is none," Weiss' team wrote. "Instead, the defendant's theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence."

The DOJ confirmed the authenticity of Hunter's laptop in a January court filing, and that Apple produced backups of data from several of Hunter's electronic devices that he had backed up to his iCloud account.

The New York Post first broke the story about Hunter's laptop in October 2020, which was met with vehement pushback by the Biden teammainstream media, and former intelligence officials who called it "Russian disinformation."

Two years later, CNNThe New York Times and other corporate outlets finally acknowledged Hunter's laptop was authentic.

Hunter is on trial in Delaware over three felony charges related to his efforts to obtain a firearm in 2018 while addicted to drugs.

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