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EMF/RF/5G Evolutionary Capacity & Wisdom vs. Tech Overreach & Pretend Progress

•, By Patricia Burke

"to let go of the attachment to certainty, control, coherence, and consumption of things, to be able to sit with difficult, painful, and complex things" – Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti

I had the privilege of listening to a podcast this week with Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, courtesy of my colleague Kate Kheel.

"We, here, we talk about developing the stomach. To face the amount of shit that we need to compost without throwing up, without throwing a tantrum, and without throwing in the towel. "   

I feel more optimistic than I have in a decade about the rising numbers of individuals tuning into the downsides of the mass society and economy being drunk on tech, especially wireless  –  and I'll revisit this phenomenon of throwing up. This is a commentary on recent articles, including some that I didn't post, while compiling recent news for Safe Tech International's substack community. I discuss some themes I have written about previously, including Chinese Medicine and energy medicine.

I touch on: writing by hand vs. keyboards, Chinese computers, Wi-Fi on school buses, international policies on cellphones and schools, Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti and sanctioned ignorance, the Chinese Luni-solar calendar, Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms, precision agriculture, satellites, lower earth orbit, the senses, electroreception in fish and humans, scientific diplomacy, skin research, chronobiology, electromagnetic bodyguards that protect the Brain, the Gall Bladder, the Glymphatic system, homing Instincts and the Vivaxis, and the energetics of disgust, vs. intestinal fortitude, Radiant Circuits, and joy.
