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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

Time To Pay Satan: Canadian Asset Manager Blocks Cash Distributions On Private Credit Funds

• Zero Hedge

Just one day after JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said private credit could spark turmoil if when the opaque sector of financial markets weakens, warning that "there could be hell to pay," and adding that he has "seen a couple of these deals that were rated by a rating agency and, I have to confess, it shocked me what they got rated. So, it reminds me a little bit of mortgages", Satan has just sent his first invoice to the banking industry.

After scaring his fellow bankers, perhaps in hopes of sparking another mini bank run and getting the FDIC to gift him with yet another bank, it turns out that perhaps Jamie Dimon was correct that "not all the people doing [private credit] are good," and earlier today Bloomberg brought us the first notable example of a "bad" doer when it reported that Canadian investment manager Ninepoint Partners is "temporarily" suspending cash distributions in three of its private credit funds, making it the latest, and certainly largest, lender to put a squeeze on investors to cope with a private credit liquidity crunch.

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