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Watch "The Road To Geneva" Live June 1

• Activist Post

By Neenah Payne

WHO Fails To Get Agreement On The Text Of The Pandemic Treaty But It Is Not Over Yet explained on May 26 that the World Health Organization failed to get agreement on its Pandemic Treaty which  would have surrendered our national sovereignty and freedoms. NYT: Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Pandemic 5/24/24.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General is an Ethiopian communist who would have gained total control over lockdown law in America and around the world. Tedros would have been our unelected dictator. He is the first WHO Director General who is not a medical doctor. Tedros was a Board Member of GAVI, a Bill Gates organization.

Watch Rally In Geneva June 1

"The Road To Geneva: Global Call For Freedom" is a worldwide gathering in Geneva May 31-June 1 to protest the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The rally was organized by British journalist Dan Astin-Gregory, Founder and CEO at Unstoppable Media Limited. Speakers include Dr. Robert Malone, Belgian psychiatrist Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Mikki Willis, filmmaker of the Plandemic series and Dr. Brett Weinstein.

Rally In Geneva June 1 To Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty shows that The Highwire will broadcast live coverage of The Road To Geneva rally starting at 6:30 AM CST on Saturday, June 1. This is an historic moment when humanity is standing up to the globalists!

The Road To Geneva Begins The Long Road To Freedom

Join the Road to Geneva Convoy #stopthewho

In the video below, Dan explains that he will be holding a rally at the United Nations  in New York in September when the UN has its Summit of The Future. See HOW THE UN'S SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE COULD BE A TURNING POINT FOR GLOBAL DIPLOMACY.  Dan says the focus is not just to say "No" to the globalists but to focus on creating solutions for a better future for humanity now. Dan says, "It's a turning point. This is just the beginning. This is the Road to Geneva on the long road to freedom!".

The Road to Geneva – the people's convoy 5/28/24

It has never more been important to make a stand for freedom. I am joined by Dan Astin-Gregory to talk about the planned road trip to Geneva to state categorically the non-consent to the WHO's pandemic treaty and removal of independent countries' national sovereignty.

We Are The Change Rally In Geneva