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Rally In Geneva June 1 To Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty

•, By Neenah Payne


A Road Trip with a Mission


We will not surrender our health freedom! 

Help us to make the votes of unelected bureaucrats obsolete!

You are invited to join us in convoy to Geneva where we will gather on Saturday 1st June to declare our freedom, independence and right to self-determine our own future!

ALL for Freedom,
Freedom for ALL!


Until now, the WHO has been an advisory organization. If approved, these changes will make WHO edicts compulsory – overriding national sovereignty and, in effect, installing a world government run by unelected bureaucrats. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the first WHO Director General who is not a medical doctor. Tedros was a Board Member of GAVI, a Bill Gates organization.

Since Bill Gates' organizations are the second largest funders of the WHO, Gates can dictate global health policies –- as he did during COVID. Although Gates is not a doctor (didn't even graduate from college) and was not elected or appointed by anyone, he told us in 2020 that we couldn't go back to normal until almost all 7.5 billion people got the rushed, expensive COVID shot. Gates now admits the COVID shots don't prevent infection. He has not acknowledged that they also aren't safe despite the "safe and effective" mantra used to mandate the shots.

Live Coverage of WHO Meetings May 27

Dr. Meryl Nass is the founder of Door to Freedom which will cover the WHO meetings live May 27 starting at 2PM EST. The site shows that 24 US governors signed a letter against the WHO treaties and 22 US state Attorneys General oppose the treaties. Dr. Nass points out that eleven nations (Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Eritrea, Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, Russian Federation, Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela, Zimbabwe) informed the UN General Assembly that they will not go along with the UN's support of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness.

The Netherlands lower house of Parliament has instructed the Netherlands government to delay the WHO votes or vote "No". Slovakia said it will not sign current drafts of either document. Croatia's new majority party is against the WHO's Pandemic Preparedness Plan. Italy's Senator Borghi said Italy will vote "No" on the treaty and there are 10 more months in which to reject the IHR Amendments.