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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Most Devastating Chart Seen Amid A Presidential Election - Real-Life Results of 'Bidenflation

•, By Susan Duclos

A recent Wall Street Journal piece offered what looked like good news for the Biden regime before producing a chart so catastrophic for Biden and his merry band of money printers, that it should be used in each and every Trump campaign ad from now until the November 2024 presidential election.

We keep seeing the same actors, democrat politicians, the White House, and the MSM, claim that the Biden economy is strong, thriving, and liberals across the board go on to repeat that assertion, until the point where most Democrats have truly started to believe their own lies.

The WSJ headline was "Trump vs. Biden: How the Dow's Performance Compares," with a sub-header stating " Dow's brief move above 40000 is welcome news to a president who is facing voter malaise over the economy."

The Dow charts comparing Biden's term to Trump's shows close results, until the Covid lockdowns, where they take a deep dive, then increasing again. The first chart here, isn't the one referenced in the headline, but it shows that the Trump economy, via the stock market, was actually better under Trump than Biden in the same timeframe of their respective terms.

As seen above, Trump's numbers were higher than Biden's, or whoever is actually running the White House, numbers, even before the pandemic and as businesses started reopening, and Covid relief made through the economy, Trump's numbers continued to rise.

So even before the chart dubbed "The most devastating chart I've ever seen amid a presidential election cycle" by Ethics & Public Theology Professor Andrew Walker, on social media, the Trump economy was better for the stock market than "Bidenomics."

Then we come to two charts, one of which is referenced above, which shows the "Change in household net worth since start of presidency," first in "normal value", and then "adjusted for inflation," which explains clearly why the general public has had such "malaise over the economy."