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Tornado Safety for RVers: What to Do If There's a Tornado

• RV Lifestyle

I want to give the biggest tip right off the bat because if you don't read anything else, you'll at least have read this. Take every single tornado warning seriously. 

People easily become desensitized when repeated warnings don't lead to traumatic results. But you have to remember, it only takes one tornado to wipe you out. So, you have to take every single warning seriously.

Not taking it seriously throws away the amazing gift we have of advanced warning. Up until very recently, any warning that preceded obvious visual evidence was rare.

Life-Saving Tips for Tornado Safety for RVers

Now that you've hopefully committed to properly reacting to tornado warnings, here is what you need to know. The following are life-saving tips that can keep you and your family safe in the event of not only a tornado but also severe windstorms.

Tornado Safety for RVers: What to Do If There's a Tornado

Ask in your campground. Photo credit: Mike Wendland

Tip #1: Take Tornado Warnings Seriously

Okay, okay, I know I covered this ad nauseam in the intro. But I just had to note it again real quick for the "scrollers." If you scrolled past the intro, go back and read it!
