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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Watch: Cruz, Kennedy Destroy Biden Judge For Placing '6 Foot 2 Serial Child Rapist'...

•, by Tyler Durden

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and John Kennedy (R-LA) eviscerated a Biden judicial nominee on Wednesday over her 2022 recommendation that a transgender serial rapist, William McClain (aka July Justine Shelby) be housed in a women's prison despite previous convictions for raping children and possessing child pornography.

The Senators grilled U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn, who was nominated to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Netburn transferred McClain despite an objection from the Board of Prisons.

In a handwritten note, McClain (Shelby) said he feared for his health, safety and life and suffered from gender dysphoria (of course a convicted child rapist wouldn't expect to fare well in prison).

"Miss Shelby said I don't want to go to a male prison. I want to go to a female prison," Kennedy told Netburn. "And the Board of Prisons said 'What planet did you parachute in from? You're going to a male prison with this kind of record.' And you sent him to a female prison, did you? You said that the Board of Prisons was trying to violate Ms Shelby, former Mr. McClain's, constitutional right, didn't you?"

Watch (via @Eddies_X)
