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IPFS News Link • Chemtrails

The Abstract episode 30 "Why is nobody else talking about the MITRE Corporation?"

•, By Peter A. Kirby

Among many other heavily implicated organizations, one stands out as the lowest of the low-hanging fruit: the MITRE Corporation. The evidence for their building and maintaining the many technical aspects of today's ongoing SRM geoengineering operations is simply legion.

Evidence suggests that the MITRE Corporation has been in charge of the New Manhattan Project's systems architecture. Systems architecture refers to the organization and harmonization of all the different scientific New Manhattan Project sub-operations such as: operation of the ionospheric heaters, control of the aircraft, collection of atmospheric data, satellite communications, etc. MITRE can make all these things work together and create an elegant end-user experience to boot.

Along with designing and building technical systems architecture, the MITRE Corporation of Bedford, Massachusetts designs and helps build military aerospace command and control centers. In fact, they have designed and helped build every major aerospace command and control center in America. From the National Military Command Center under the Pentagon to Strategic Air Command (SAC) in Nebraska to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) facility in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, MITRE has built them all. MITRE also worked with NASA to develop the Apollo Mission Control Center in Houston (now the Johnson Space Flight Center).