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Will the Next 'Pandemic' Coincide with an Imminent 'Solar Maximum'?

•, By Dr. Mathew Maavak

Why not research the topic and publish my take on the matter? I am qualified to commentate on this topic as I am conversant with systems theory, and in its subset, Complex Adaptive System (CAS).

According to the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), Earth was subjected to a dynamic solar flare from an active sunspot called Region 3664 between May 10 and 13. It peaked on May 11 as a massive X5.8 class flare. The X-class constitutes the most powerful category of solar flares.

As a result, parts of the earth's exposed side encountered temporary or complete loss of high frequency (HF) radio signals for a short period of time.

Now, the Earth periodically faces 11-year solar cycles. The current one, called Solar Cycle 25, began in December 2019 and is expected to peak into a "solar maximum" between late 2024 and early 2025. Rather coincidentally, the coronavirus "pandemic" began at the beginning of Solar Cycle 25. Is there a link between changes in solar activities and disease outbreaks? Read on…

During a solar maximum, the sun disgorges huge amounts of energy in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) which can adversely impact Earth's magnetosphere, leading to frequent and intense geomagnetic storms which can manifest themselves as auroras. These spectacular visual displays were seen in several low latitude parts of the continental United States (e.g. Texas, Alabama, Florida, etc.) from May 10-13.

The brief YouTube clip below is an excellent conspectus on this phenomenon. It also explains the difference between solar flares and CMEs and their cumulative effects.