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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

AstraZeneca Sued Over Covid-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial Injury (1)

• Bloomberg Law

COURT: D. Utah
TRACK DOCKET: No. 2:24-cv-00337

In a complaint filed Monday, Brianne Dressen said she was "the picture of good health" when getting the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine in 2020 at the age of 39 through a Salt Lake County, Utah, clinical trial. In the hours that followed, her arm began to tingle and the feeling spread up to her shoulder, then to her opposite arm. Later, other symptoms followed, including blurred vision, a headache, ringing ears, and vomiting.

According to Dressen's lawsuit, AstraZeneca had entered into a contract with her in which the drugmaker would cover medical costs for injuries suffered from the vaccine. Dressen said she discovered she had paresthesia, a condition in which nerves are irritated and the body experiences tingling and numb feelings.

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