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IPFS News Link • Iran

Lindsey Graham Suggests Nuking Iran And Hamas

• Zero Hedge

Authored by Steve Watson via,

Warmonger in chief Lindsey Graham suggested Sunday that Israel, with the help of the US, should use nuclear weapons on Iran and Hamas fighters in Palestinian territories.

Appearing on NBC News' "Meet the Press," the Republican Senator asked "Why did we drop two bombs, nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?"

"To end a war that we couldn't afford to lose," Graham continued, adding "You don't understand, apparently, what Israel is facing. They're facing three groups: Iran, who has received $80 billion in aid… They're taking that money to kill all the Jews."

Graham claimed that Israel is facing a significant threat to its existence, and therefore should do whatever it takes, just as the US did in World War Two.
