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IPFS News Link • Trump Family

Fears for Barron Trump as critics warn Donald's youngest son is now 'fair game'...


Social media exploded after hearing the news that Barron Trump is going to officially enter politics, as he will serve as a delegate for his father at the Republican National Convention later this year

Barron, who only turned 18 in March, was chosen as one of the state of Florida's 41 at-large delegates to the national gathering of Republicans in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in mid-July. 

He will be one of the estimated 2,429 delegates who are expected to officially nominate his father as the Republican candidate for the 2024 race.

This led many on social media to both worry for and delight in the fact that they felt this meant Trump's youngest son was now 'fair game' to attack and that his mother would let her son open himself up to such criticism.

Rob Vorcek wrote: 'I very much believe this is going to end very badly. He's now fair game to the media. I'm actually surprised. I thought [Barron's mother] Melania would do everything to prevent this but if Barron, now an adult, personally made this decision to participate in his father's circus, so be it.' 

Others compared the treatment of Barron to that given to the children of Presidents Clinton and Obama.  

'Barron Trump is fair game,' wrote one X user. 'I repeat fair game. Don't care. You came for Chelsea at 13. You went after the Obama girls as children & still are attacking them. This anchor baby deserves nothing less. He's a lab experiment gone wrong.'

'Before Republicans clutch their pearls about whatever Barron Trump is trending for again, maybe they should apologize to Malia and Sasha Obama, Chelsea Clinton, David Hogg, Greta Thunberg and every single little girl they forced to give birth,' wrote another.