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IPFS News Link • Education: Colleges and Universities

Pro-Palestinian GWU Student "Tribunal" Calls For Campus Leaders To Be Beheaded On Guilloti

•, By Jennifer Kabbany

The footage was captured by a citizen journalist named "Stu" who recorded the group's so-called "People's Tribunal" livestreamed on Instagram.

"At the George Washington University Gaza Solidarity Encampment today, the protesters held a 'People's Tribunal' where they put President Ellen Granberg, Provost Christopher Bracey, the Board of Trustees, @GWPolice, and many others on trial," Stu posted on X on May 3.

"Is it normal for students to want to hang their provost and chop the heads off of the Board of Trustees," Stu asked. "When will [George Washington University leaders] finally do something? If the students hurt any of these people in any way, the university will be completely at fault."

The video is one of several extreme scenes that have been captured at the encampment on the Washington D.C. campus. Another includes the removal of the American flag and a Palestinian one hoisted in its place.

Now in its 11th day, "University President Ellen Granberg said GW is unequipped to manage the pro-Palestinian encampment in University Yard and called on GW's partners, including D.C. officials, for their 'full support' on Sunday," the GW Hatchet student newspaper reported.

"In the message to community members at about 2:30 p.m., Granberg said all of the University's efforts to end the encampment or deter protesters from escalation have failed, including discussions with students, the assistance of local police and administrative consequences. She said the encampment is 'potentially dangerous' and no longer qualifies as a student demonstration," the Hatchet reported.

Granberg's memo stated in part that "when protesters overrun barriers established to protect the community, vandalize a university statue and flag, surround and intimidate GW students with antisemitic images and hateful rhetoric, chase people out of a public yard based on their perceived beliefs, and ignore, degrade, and push GW Police Officers and university maintenance staff, the protest ceases to be peaceful or productive. All of these things have happened at GW in the last five days."

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