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IPFS News Link • Voting - Election Integrity

Elon Musk Now Fully Awake on Election Integrity, Promotes Non-Profit Urging Whistleblowers...

•, By Ben Kew

Business titan Elon Musk is now seemingly fully awake on the issue of election fraud and is urging whistleblowers to come forward to report irregularities ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

On Saturday, Musk retweeted a video from the Fair Election Fund to his 182 million followers, attracting some 1.6 million viewers at the time of writing.

The newly formed non-profit organization is seeking to compensate whistleblowers for exposing Democratic attempts to steal and subvert America's electoral process.

The ad states:

Free and fair elections are the bedrock of our American experiment. It is part of our core. But we can only have confidence in the result if there is trust in the process. Across the country, there are real cases of fraud and abuses of the system that have eroded our trust. From executive orders opening the door to non-citizens voting, while some cities look to make it commonplace. Unions rigging the game through unethical ballot harvesting. And some leaders are outright refusing to follow the law when administering elections.

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