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Number of transgender troops in US army has doubled since 2020...


The Pentagon has spent more than $26million treating transgender troops since 2020, official records show.

The number of US army staff with gender dysphoria has doubled in that time — from around 1,800 to 3,700, according to DoD data seen by

In the past three years, $17.5m in taxpayer money was spent on psychotherapy for trans service people and $1.5m went towards hormone drugs.

A further $7.6m funded gender-affirming surgeries, including facial tweaks to make a recruit more masculine or feminine, and the removal or creation of breasts and genitals.

The US Military Health System spends about $50bn annually to provide care to 9.6 million active duty service members, retirees, and their families through its TRICARE health plans.

According to its website, TRICARE does not generally cover surgery for the treatment of gender dysphoria, but active duty service members 'may request a waiver for medically necessary gender affirming surgery.'

The total number of transgender individuals in the armed forces is unknown, because it is likely not all of them have sought treatment. 

But as of last month, 3,700 active military personnel were diagnosed and treated for gender dysphoria, according to DHA spokesman Peter Graves. 

This includes 1,240 Army soldiers, 1,046 Navy soldiers, 1,024 Air Force airmen and 278 Marine Corps.

They account for 0.3 percent of military personnel, which is lower than the 0.6 percent of trans people in the US population more broadly.