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IPFS News Link • Pro-life/Pro Choice

Mother Confirms Abortion Ban Saved Her Baby's Life

• Life News

Thirty-three-year-old Neesha smiled as she talked about the state law that led her to choose life for her son.  In 2022, Neesha lived in Georgia and was a busy single mom to four beautiful children.  When she found out that she was expecting a fifth child, she worried about having the time and resources to give her baby the life he deserved while also caring for her other children. 

"I kept thinking that I can't do another pregnancy alone, and I had to look at other options," she said.  

Neesha told a friend that she felt like abortion was the only answer.  She had already experienced eight abortions, and while she was familiar with the process, each abortion had left her feeling empty and, as she put it, more "desensitized" to life.  She thought often about her aborted children, and she wondered what their life would have been like.  

Feeling as though she had no other options, Neesha called an abortion center to schedule the procedure.  She was told that Georgia's heartbeat law limits abortion once a baby's heartbeat is detected, usually around six weeks' gestation. At this stage of fetal development, a baby's heart is already beating at 110 beats per minute and the unborn baby has over a 90 percent chance of surviving to birth and beyond. 
