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IPFS News Link • Pro-life/Pro Choice

America's fourth leading cause of death is abortion at the hands of Planned Parenthood

•, Cassie B.

Many people's thoughts immediately turn to killers like heart disease and cancer, but it turns out that the number-four spot actually goes to abortions carried out by Planned Parenthood.
The nation's biggest abortion provider reported performing more than 392,000 abortions between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022, in its 2022-2023 annual report, which amounts to killing 44 babies every hour. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 695,000 people died from heart disease in the U.S. in 2021, while 605,000 died from cancer, 416,000 are said to have died from COVID-19, and just shy of 225,000 died from accidents.

As upsetting as it may be to think that almost 400,000 babies never got a chance at life thanks to this organization, that figure shouldn't be too surprising when you consider the fact that they recommended abortion to pregnant clients 97 percent of the time instead of suggesting alternatives such as adoption or supporting them in keeping their child.

The president of the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group, Marjorie Dannenfelser, told the Epoch Times: "Once again, pregnant women who walk into Planned Parenthood are sold an abortion 97 percent of the time, rather than helped to keep their child or make an adoption plan. Meanwhile, they saw 80,000 fewer patients, provided 60,000 fewer pap tests and breast exams, and even gave out less contraception."

The organization has also been providing children with controversial transgender procedures, including hormone therapy, surgery referrals and puberty blockers.