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IPFS News Link • California

Gavin Newsom's California "Loses" Over 24 BILLION Dollars for the Homeless

•, Fox News and Bloomberg

A state audit revealed that there wasn't consistent tracking to see if all that money actually helped improve the situation. The problem has only gotten worse. 
Since 2019, homelessness in the state rose by almost 20% to more than 181,000 and continues to grow. California also has the nation's highest share of "unsheltered" homeless, or people living in makeshift encampments or cars rather than indoor shelters. A critic noted that authorities know where the money was went, but they don't want the public to know.

In March, Governor Gavin Newsom narrowly won voter approval, after campaigning for Democrats to fix their disqualified votes, for a $6.4 billion bond initiative to battle drug addiction and mental illness, as well as build more affordable housing. California has failed to allocate money toward housing quickly while at the same time the state is making it easy to sell and take drugs. 

While California is a Democrat-majority blue state, it allows mail-in voting that can be corrupted and ballot harvesting that can lead to election fraud.

.From Bloomberg:

California has devoted $24 billion to homelessness programs during the last five years. The problem's only gotten worse. 

Since 2019, homelessness in the state rose by almost 20% to more than 181,000. California also has the nation's highest share of "unsheltered" homeless, or people living in makeshift encampments or cars rather than indoor shelters.