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IPFS News Link • Israel

Here's Why Israel Will Lose a Shootout with Iran

• VT Foreign Policy

Iran's unprecedented attack on Israeli military sites on April 13-14 signals a tectonic shift in the regional balance of power. While the media remains preoccupied with the number of outdated Iranian drones that were shot down during the onslaught, military analysts are far more focused on the way that Iran's ballistic missiles cut through Israel's vaunted air defense systems striking sites at the Nevatim and Negev Air Bases.

What the operation proved is that Israel's "deterrents supremacy" is largely a fiction based on overly optimistic assumptions about the performance of their air defense capability. When put to the test, these systems failed to stop many of the larger and more destructive ballistic missiles from hitting their targets. This, in turn, revealed that Israel's most heavily-defended and critically-important military sites remain overly-exposed to enemy attack.

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