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IPFS News Link • Congress-Congressmen

Speaker Johnson's Ignominious Betrayal

•, by David Stockman

He is apparently risking his speakership on behalf of $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that Uncle Sam cannot remotely afford, and which actually provide zero benefit to the homeland security of America. And we do mean zero, as in nothing, nichts, nada, nyet and nugatory, as we amplify below. 

What Johnson's impending Waterloo means, therefore, is not merely the prospect of another wild and wooly succession battle, but actually that there is no point at all in the preservation of a Republican majority and GOP House Speaker. After all, the Washington GOP has become so infected with neocon warmongers and careerist pols who spend a lifetime basking in the imperial projects and pretensions of the world's War Capital that apparently the best the House GOP caucus could do when it ejected the previous careerist deep-stater from the Speaker's chair was to tap the dim-witted nincompoop who currently occupies it. 

The Republican party is thus truly beyond redemption. As JFK once said about the CIA, its needs to be splintered into a thousand pieces and swept into the dustbin of history. 

Indeed, when you look at the calamitous fiscal trajectory embedded in the CBO's latest 30-year fiscal outlook, you truly have to wonder about what miniature minds like Congressman Johnson's are actually thinking. That is to say, the latest CBO report published in March presumes that there will never be another recession and no inflation flare-up, interest rate spike, global energy dislocation, prolonged Forever War or any other imaginable crisis ever again—just smooth economic sailing for the next 30 years.

And yet, and then. Even by the math of this Rosy Scenario on steroids the public debt will reach $140 trillion at minimum by 2054. In turn, that would cause interest payments on the public debt with rates no higher than those which prevailed between 1986 and1997 to reach $10 trillion per year.

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