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Roseanne Barr is uncanceled at Mar-a-Lago: Sitcom star brings down the house...


Roseanne Barr showed why she was once the queen of TV comedy on Wednesday evening, delivering a blistering routine on why female soldiers were better than men before describing herself as a 'hateful' Jew and sarcastically thanking Christians for their understanding of Judaism.

As one onlooker said, it was probably the first time that menstrual cycle jokes had been made during a ritzy fundraiser at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home. 

Barr, who was dropped from her own show after being accused of racism, was part of an evening of uncanceled comedians in support of Kari Lake. The Trump ally is locked in a tough battle for the Arizona Senate seat vacated by Kyrsten Sinema. 

'Kari, it's time for a woman in the Senate. It's time for a woman everywhere,' she told the crowd assembled around the resort's swimming pool as the sun set. 'You know why? 

'Because anything a man can do, a woman can get another man to do even better.'
