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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Does wireless tech cause cancer or is it just another "coincidence"...

• Activist Post

By John C. A. Manley

Do cell phones, Bluetooth devices, WiFi and other wireless tech cause cancer or is it just another "coincidence" that tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists are sharing on their smartphones?

Let me tell you about such a "coincidence" I witnessed firsthand…

Many years ago, I hired a young lady to help out around the apartment and in the office, as my wife was quite ill and I was already working seven days a week (still am, I guess). The new assistant came in six days a week for a few hours and completed a long list of items in record time. The whole time she'd be singing and was a joy to have around.

the 2024 EMF Hazard Summit is. In fact, it's free to attend:
