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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

Reuters: Right-wing groups sue US over offshore wind impact on whales – Morano:

•, By Marc Morano


REUTERS: Right-wing groups sue US over offshore wind impact on whales – 

March 18 (Reuters) –  Three right-wing groups sued the Biden administration on Monday over its approval of a wind project off the coast of Virginia, alleging it failed to consider the facility's impacts on endangered whales. The federal lawsuit filed by the Heartland Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and National Legal and Policy Center seeks to stop the construction of Dominion Energy Inc's Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project pending a new federal analysis of risks to the North Atlantic right whale by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).



Marc Morano on a boat off the coast of Martha's Vineyard in 2023 protesting off-shore wind

Climate Depot's Marc Morano: "I have asked repeatedly: Where are the 1970s Volvo driving save the whale liberals when you need them? The answer is they appear to have gone AWOL. So it is up to conservatives to become the legal champion to save the whales." As I said on the protest boat off of Martha's Vineyard in the summer of 2023: "Hear this message: We're here to save the whales! If you were a fossil fuel project, you would have been shut down long ago."


Flashback 2011: Sonar soundwaves 'drive terrified whales to their death onshore' – Soundwaves from underwater military sonar are far more distressing for whales than was previously thought and drives some terrified creatures to their death onshore, a new study has show. Scientist say beaked whales may also react with terror to noise from offshore wind turbines and oil and gas exploration.