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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Gold Star mother of Marine killed in disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal says it's 'BS'...


The mother of slain Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, a Marine killed during the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal, has said it's 'BS' her ex-husband was arrested for heckling Biden during his State of The Union address.

Steve Nikoui, the father of slain Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, shouted 'Remember Abbey Gate!' 'United States Marines!' and 'Abbey Gate!' from the balcony of the House chamber in the middle of the president's remarks Thursday. 

His son, Kareem, was killed by a suicide bomber during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. 

After yelling at Biden from the guest seating, Nikoui was removed from the chamber by Capitol Police

Security quickly escorted Nikoui out of the chamber. Biden did not visibly react.

'I was shocked because I thought it was complete BS that they arrested him,' Shana Chappell, 51, told the New York Post. 'He shouldn't have been arrested, he's a Gold Star father. He's in the same room as the man that he knows is responsible for our son's death, so why was he arrested?'

Both Chappell's and Steve Nikoui's lives were turned upside down on August 26, 2021 when their son fell victim to a suicide bomber who targeted American troops at a military base outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

Just two years out of high school, Nikoui was 20 years old, born in the same year that the war in Afghanistan started, died alongside 12 comrades as the last casualties of America's longest war.

Chappell told The Post that she new of ex-Steve Nikoui's plan to disrupt Biden's address by shouting their son's name.

'I obviously didn't watch the State of the Union because I have a bad taste for Biden, but then all of a sudden, I started getting text messages from friends who said (Nikoui) got arrested,' Chappell explained.

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