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See the Future of Global Depopulation – a Giant Empty School

•, by Brian Wang

The school has about 20 rooms and had over 400 students in previous generations but is now virtually empty.

There are about 11 million akiya, or abandoned homes, in rural Japan. Here we see a nearly abandoned school.

The video shows happy students and teachers but you can also feel the sad decline. The school built for more capacity. The number of teachers should have been 20-30 and the number of students was and should be hundreds. All of the nearby schools are also nearly empty. They talk about a weekly soccer game that is 5 on 5 with first and second graders from each school.

Lack of fertility is an extinction level event over a few hundred years. The number of fertile women nearly halves every 30 years. In 300 years the number of fertile women would be 1000 times less.

Global population collapse takes women and children first and Japan is leading the way. China, South Korea and many other countries are following. 30% of the people live in countries with falling population and over 80% live in below replacement including India.

Japan is leading the way in a crisis of population collapse. Japan had peak woman about 53 years ago in 1970. This was also about the time they had peak children.

During Japan's first postwar baby boom (1947–49), there were 2.5 million births a year. In the second baby boom (1971–74), there were 2 million annual births.