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IPFS News Link • Hoax?

Evidence Relating to NASA Moon Landings, Unexplained Flaws:

•, By Mark Keenan

Below is the carefully-researched analysis of Mark Keenan based on his book entitled Moon Landing 2023 – Science or Science-fiction?

In recent developments, A US Spacecraft was involved in the First American Attempt to Land on the Moon in More than 50 Years. 

"Doomed … on Collision Course with Earth"?

Reported by The Independent

"The private mission by Pittsburgh-based space company Astrobotic, dubbed Peregrine Mission One, set off from Earth last Monday [ January 8, 2024] and was scheduled to land on the lunar surface on 23 February.

But a fuel leak sealed its fate, and about 30 hours after launch the company admitted the spacecraft had "no chance" of achieving a soft landing on the Moon.

In its latest update on the spacecraft, the firm said it was "on a path towards Earth" and that it would "likely" burn up on re-entry.

Click here to read the full article on The Independent.


This article is largely based on my book Moon Landing 2023 – Science or Science-fiction? and is a continuation of the topics detailed in my recent article Moon Landing 2023 – Science or Science Fiction? 

In that recent article, I described that:

the India Space Research Organisation (ISRO) claim to have landed on the moon on August 23rd 2023, yet, there is a lack of evidence for this claim. 

We were presented with CGI representing the vehicle's purported orbit of the moon. The black and white picture of the space vehicle on the moon looks more like a few yards of barren desert that could just as easily be Nevada or a Hollywood film set. The ISRO black and white picture and CGI-like video of their purported moon landing is not evidence of anything.