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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

Melei: A WEF Propaganda Toy of Argentina's Debtholders Blackrock, Fidelity and Pimco

• By Helena Glass

That meant creating a new economy under the protagonist, Melei.   It meant the test of a new economy, ripping apart the old, and reinstating a New Economy that could build back investments and reap damage control over worthless debt that could potentially recover 20 fold.

Melei's job?  Look pretty and do the bidding of The Masters.   Do you really believe Melei is anything but another paid pawn of the Bankers who own Argentina:   Pimco, BlackRock and Fidelity.  They own the debt.  They are calling the shots.  They are recreating an Economic Argentina that will earn them significant profits on their debt.  All while Melei takes credit.   The value of their debt sank to 1/3.   Investors complained.   A restructuring was devised.   Investors – Happy.   Voila.   This is how it is done.

The pions proclaim Melei a hero – the pundits scream victory – and the entire escapade was a script of the Elite.   Yeah… 
