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Elon Musk Shifts The Discussion On Antisemitism


Shortly before Zero Hedge's Israel-Palestine debate on Wednesday, an important shift in the discourse about American Jews and antisemitism happened. We've seen two related phenomena in America since the October 7th Hamas attacks: 

Anti-Israel (and sometimes anti-Jewish) protests, mostly, but not exclusively by nonwhites. 

Some American Jewish activists blaming a rise in antisemitism on gentile American whites. 

A recent example of the second phenomenon was Gad Saad's post using the name "Roscoe" to describe archetypical American antisemite. The full text of Saad's tweet: 

The human mind is fueled by pathogical narcissistic tribalism. I've probably received more hate because of people being upset by my "Roscoe" tweet then from Islamists. "Roscoe" is meant to capture an American Jew-hater. He could reside in Boston, LA, or Mobile. The fact that I used "Arkansas" in my tweet does not imply that I'm demeaning people from Arkansas or people from the Midwest or the South. It is a f**king archetype of a person who is fueled by bigotry as per the Charlottesville March of a few years ago. Grow up. Focus. Think about the larger enemies of the West. Countless people who are choosing to be offended should be on the same team as me. I truly don't know why I persist in this fight. It is thankless, painful, and exhausting. I do it for my children and yours.