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IPFS News Link • Kansas

Kansas is Going Bye Bye


Why are such measures being implemented now?

What do they say about the nature of the world we live in and indeed the very nature of reality itself?

The World Health Organisation first coined the term infodemic back in 2020. It outlined a number of initiatives to immunize the public against misinformation. 

As part of these efforts the Covid Solidarity Response Fund raised $256,195,799.31 from 676,626 donors.

In a World Economic Forum podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said they had recruited 110,000 on-line volunteers to curb misinformation.

One way to look at events that began in 2020 is to see a veil being lifted from the world.

For example before 2020 I personally assumed:

there were laws that needed to be followed for the general good.

the financial markets were free in the sense that price movement was a product of the perceived risk/reward of investors

there were illnesses created by viruses.

2020 showed that none of these assumptions are true:

I learnt the legal society is a fiction that requires my assumed consent for it to be binding.

When the Federal Reserve started buying bonds in 2020 risk disappeared and ended the idea of free markets.

I discovered there is no scientific evidence that anything with the characteristics of a virus has ever been shown to exist.
