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IPFS News Link • FBI

RINO Republicans Reward Corrupt FBI with $300 Million New Headquarters Building

•, Matt Gaetz

70 RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) voted to keep funding the corrupt FBI to build a new $300 million headquarters building even though the FBI targets its political opposition that includes Republicans, Trump supporters, legal gun owners, parents, conservatives and patriots, Catholics, pro-life supporters, and FBI whistleblowers. The FBI falsely claims that 'white supremacist extremists' are the primary terror threat in the US while the violence and massive property damage caused by Antifa and BLM have been virtually ignored. Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced an amendment to the House appropriations bill on Wednesday to prohibit funding for a new FBI headquarters that will be larger than the Pentagon; 70 Republicans and 203 Democrats rejected his amendment in a 273-145 vote. Gaetz said that he felt the FBI had been politically weaponized and therefore deserved to operate out of a "rat-infested" building.

MAGA supporters voiced their outrage on social media after House Republicans voted on Wednesday against Representative Matt Gaetz's amendment to restrict funding for the new $375 million FBI headquarters on Wednesday.

The funds for the new building, which will be relocated from Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest in Washington to Greenbelt, Maryland, were allocated in the $1.7 trillion fiscal 2023 omnibus spending bill.

On Wednesday, when the House was hearing amendments to the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act for 2024, Gaetz, a Florida Republican, pleaded his case for restricting funds for the new building after trying to block the construction of the headquarters in March.