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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

Tim Ballard Faces a Lawsuit

• PJ Media

After months of high-profile controversy and accusations that date back even further than that, Tim Ballard, the founder of Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) and the subject of the summer blockbuster "Sound of Freedom," will face his accusers in court. During a December 2020 podcast of "Mormon Stories," Utah journalist Lynn Packer aired allegations regarding Ballard and OUR that included irresponsible spending, sexual and drug abuse, and lying to the public and donors about OUR operations. Through OUR, Ballard has enjoyed support from people such as Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes and media personality Glenn Beck.

An 89-page lawsuit was filed against Ballard by his five accusers Monday in Utah's Third District Court. It names not only Ballard and OUR but other individuals and entities with ties to the organization. Also named in the suit is Janet Russon, who according to a report on Salt Lake TV station Fox-13, is an alleged psychic who supposedly helped Ballard locate victims and plan operations. The same story said that Ballard maintained that Russon communicated with the prophet Nephi, who is a prominent figure in the Book of Mormon.