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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Mayorkas Furiously Backpedals After Claiming 'Acute & Immediate Need' For Border Wall

•, by Tyler Durden

Less than two days after reports emerged that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, in an official document, that there is "an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers" along the US border- while the Biden administration waived 26 federal laws to build more border wall amid a record flood of immigrants, the DHS boss has furiously backpedaled.

"There is no new administration policy with respect to the border wall," said Mayorkas in a statement.

"From day one, this Administration has made clear that a border wall is not the answer. That remains our position and our position has never wavered. The language in the Federal Register notice is being taken out of context and it does not signify any change in policy whatsoever," the statement continues.

So... we guess that 'acute and immediate need' for a border wall was bullshit?

In a stunning reversal of everything that was said over the last 7 years by the left, and just months after the Biden administration was caught selling portions of Trump's border wall on a government surplus website, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is citing an "acute and immediate need" to waive dozens of federal laws in order to build a border wall in south Texas as the illegal immigration crisis grows utterly out of control.