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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Why Is CPAC Propping up Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?


"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a unique voice in advocating for the defunding of the weaponized bureaucracy and ensuring the constitutional right of medical freedom. Kennedy joining such an important event is a reflection of the splintering of the left-wing coalition that has gone full woke Marxist to the point that traditional liberals don't feel welcome anymore. The breakup of the left-wing coalition is occurring while the conservative coalition has hopes of adding more blacks and Hispanics who reject gender insanity, the effects of the terrible economy, and the destruction of their once safer neighborhoods," Matt Schlapp, the Chairman of CPAC said in the press release.

"We are also honored to have Vivek Ramaswamy — a true patriot and rising star fighting for the values of life and liberty for every American," Schlapp continued. "Ramaswamy has made a massive impact on the political scene in a short amount of time. He comes from the world of business and is willing to courageously fight the woke agenda of corporate America. Ramaswamy continues to send a powerful message on the importance of the great revival of America, the fight against Communist China, illegal immigration, calling out censorship and big-tech, holding far-left institutions and the political establishment accountable."