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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Bill Maher Drops Truth Bomb About Hunter Biden Scandal


The talk show host pointed out that if the subject of all these various investigations of corruption and influence-peddling was Donald Trump Jr., the coverage would be constant.

He's right. If things were reversed, outlets like CNN and MSNBC would be absolutely giddy with the opportunity to see Trump Jr. roasted on both sides like a hog on a spit at your Uncle Louie's backyard luau. How did I know you had an Uncle Louie? Everyone has an Uncle Louie. Stay focused.

The Daily Wire reported that Maher made his remarks while doing an interview with Ari Melber on MSNBC during a rather spirited chat about the various controversies involving both Biden and Trump.

"I don't understand how they can equate this equivalency between Trump and Biden," he pondered aloud. "Do I love everything about Biden? No. But I just don't understand how they can look at what Trump did — now, does the Hunter Biden scandal stink? It really does. It stinks to the high heavens."

"That's real corruption there that a lot of the Left-wing media will not cover," he added. "But it's nothing like what Trump did. There's just no equivalency to be — you can say, whataboutism for anything, but… you just can't tell unlike things apart, if you see that the same way."

In a statement that no doubt made the folks at MSNBC more than a little squirmy, Maher pointed out how media coverage would be totally different if it wasn't Hunter Biden, but Donald Trump Jr., in the hot seat.

"But they also shouldn't cover up what — I mean, if Don Jr. had done the things that Hunter Biden did, it would be every day," Maher stated. "If they found cocaine in the White House, whose could it be? Who does cocaine around here? We can't figure it out."

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