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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance:The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds...

• By Gary D. Barnett

The grip of fear and propaganda have captured the minds of the collective masses to such an extent, as to stop all critical thinking processes in favor of abandoning responsibility. To accept the collective mindset over right in order to fit in, or avoid conflict, is considered by most the easier path, but it necessitates immoral decisions and irresponsible behavior. Need of the group is a recipe for ignorance, and it leads in essence, to an allowed psychological takeover of the human brain and all its capabilities to grasp truth, logic and reality, in the face of any stress or uncertainty.

In order for extreme tyranny to become the norm, for State control to be sustained, and if rule by the few is to be possible, it is required that a high level of blind consent by a major portion of the people be evident. Obviously, consent and obedience to power needs to be voluntary among the masses, because constant fear and the need for acceptance by the 'societal' herd, is key in any psychological plan of takeover by the ruling class. Most propagandists use the false idea of the 'greater good' to fool the many into accepting this nonsense, so that shame and guilt can then help drive the effort to gain obedience and submission by the weaker group. This tactic is also effective in marginalizing the individual, which has the result of stifling any real or honest dissent.