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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

The Bidens' Case Will Keep on Giving

•, Moon of Alabama

That increases the possibility that Joe Biden will have to answer questions about his own corrupt dealings related to Hunter Biden's businesses.

On July 28 a crooked plea deal for Hunter Biden was nixed by a court.

As I explained it:

Yesterday Delaware US District Judge Maryellen Noreika nixed a plea deal negotiated between Hunter Biden attorney Chris Clark and the prosecutor team from Joe Biden's Department of Justice.

Hunter Biden is accused of two tax misdemeanors and wrongdoing in a gun case.

The deal was constructed in an unusual way that would have given Hunter Biden immunity over additional accusations of not having  registered as a foreign agent under the FARA law.

The tax and gun cases were split and the judge would have only been given judicial oversight over the tax issue plea while the immunity part was hidden in the gun case plea deal, a diversion agreement, where the judicial oversight would have stayed with the prosecutor. The wide ranging immunity part would thus have been hidden from the public.

The results of the dirty deal would have been very generous for Hunter but the judge didn't fall for the trick.

The deal the prosecutors had agreed to was very unusual and smelled of influence from above.

The prosecutors should be fired for offering an unprecedented sweetheart deal to the son of the sitting president and for trying to trick the court into agreeing with it.