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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Why RFK Jr. Is the Only Candidate Who Can Oppose the Uniparty System…

• by David Stockman

 In fact, Bidenomics and Trump-O-Nomics are just two sides of the same deficient coin. They amount to the inflationary accommodation of powerful constituencies which have captured control of policy—-Wall Street for the GOP, domestic spending constituencies for the Dems and the military/industrial/intelligence complex for both.

The bottom line doesn't lie, however. Real economic growth during the uniparty regime of Trump/Biden has averaged barely 2.0% per annum—notwithstanding an outpouring of monetary and fiscal stimulus that had never before even been imagined. Still, the economic growth rate since 2016 is just a fraction of the 5.0% average during the Kennedy-Johnson era and 3.5% under Ronald Reagan.

And, yes, these figures are more than fair comparisons because the results for the Trump/Biden era of borrow, borrow and borrow some more are currently overstated. That's owing to the fact that there is still another recessionary shoe to fall.