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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Says Ukraine Is NOT Ready for NATO

•, by JD Rucker

Case-in-point: Biden's unhinged desire to send everything America has to Ukraine while also blocking the one thing they've really wanted for years: NATO membership.

On Sunday, Biden came out against Ukrainian membership, saying they aren't ready. Of course, it could be that they don't have the votes. Technically, NATO works on consensus, but if there are one or two stragglers it has been relatively easy to cut backroom deals to keep their objections quiet if the larger body agrees on an aspirant's membership.

Here's the news generated from corporate media reports:

During an interview with CNN, President Biden expressed his belief that Ukraine is not currently prepared for NATO membership. He emphasized that it would be premature to initiate a vote to include the war-torn country in the alliance at this moment.

Biden stated, "I don't think it's ready for membership in NATO." He further explained that there is no unanimous consensus within NATO regarding Ukraine's immediate inclusion, given the ongoing conflict.

The President's comments coincided with his upcoming trip to Europe, where he is scheduled to attend the NATO summit in Lithuania. The membership of Ukraine, as well as Sweden, is expected to be a prominent topic of discussion during the summit.

Biden emphasized the need to exercise caution, stating, "I think it's premature to call for a vote… there are other qualifications that need to be met, including democratization and related matters." He highlighted the necessity of outlining a rational path for Ukraine to fulfill the requirements necessary for NATO membership.

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