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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

RFK Jr vs the Democrat Elites

• By Sean Collins

He still bears the name of the US Democratic Party's most famous and revered family. But that hasn't stopped the Democratic elites and liberal media from relentlessly attacking Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Since RFK Jr – son of Robert F Kennedy and nephew of President John F Kennedy – announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination in April, he has principally been attacked for his anti-vaccine views, including his belief in the long-discredited idea that the MMR vaccine causes autism.

As a result, Kennedy has been called a conspiracy theorist, a spreader of disinformation and a kook. The New York Times says he is 'shaking Americans' faith in science'. A Democratic representative and adviser to Joe Biden's re-election campaign has called Kennedy's views 'dangerous'. The condemnation has been relentless.

Last month, a vaccine expert, Dr Peter Hotez, declined an invitation to debate Kennedy on Joe Rogan's podcast. He said that it would be fruitless to debate a committed anti-vaxxer like RFK Jr. The liberal media have generally sided with Hotez. As one pundit put it, 'vaccine science isn't up for debate'.