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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Why the Deep State Hates Him

• by Doug Casey

Unlike most Democrats, RFK Jr. is against escalating the war in Ukraine and seems to be generally anti-war. Likewise, he's not on board with a lot of the woke insanity.

His support among Democrats is around 20% as of writing and rising, worrying many establishment figures.

What's your take?

Doug Casey: It's too bad for him that he's part of the Democratic Party. They'll treat him the way they treated Bernie Sanders. During the last two elections, if vox populi had anything to do with it, Bernie Sanders would've been the Dem candidate. The average Democrat loved him because he's a fire-breathing socialist and welfare statist. But Bernie was a party outsider and a loose cannon. The powers that be in the Democratic Party only nominate insiders. They like frontmen who will reliably "play ball." Kennedy has his own agenda, as did Sanders. That tells me that he doesn't have a chance of being nominated.

I've listened to a number of recent Kennedy speeches. He spends a lot of time promoting peace and defending his views on COVID. Speaking as an anarcho-capitalist, everything he said on those subjects resonated with me.