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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Young People: When Would You Want to Know?

• By Rob Pue

Our children and young adults are being fed lies by just about every institution in our nation, and there are ravenous wolves out there, hungry for the hearts, minds, blood and souls of our young people.  I?should add their BODIES as well, as the sexualization and exploitation of children and young adults has become sickeningly "normalized."

I hate what our culture has done to our young people.  We've allowed them to be brainwashed with lies, including the lie that the best they can hope for in this life is to indulge all their carnal, hedonistic desires with an attitude of "entitlement."  No limits, no rules, no right, no wrong.  Everything is "relative" and everyone gets a "trophy," simply for existing.

I'm hoping to reach some of the young people out there with this message, those who are feeling lost, disconnected, without purpose and ANGRY.  I'm under no delusion that the kids and young adults I want to reach will be listening to this message on a Christian radio station, and certainly the chances of them taking the time to READ this message on the internet or in print are next to zero.  I know that.  But, young people:  my hope is that someone who loves you WILL — and will take the time to share this information with you.  You see, they LOVE you, they care so deeply for your life and your soul.  And they know that something has gone terribly wrong in the world and you have become a victim of it.  You've been lied to, tricked and trapped, and you need to know the truth that will free you.