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IPFS News Link • Free Speech

Alex Jones is Innocent

• By Walter E. Block

Well, lets see. I maintain that Barack Obama was actually our first president and George Washington in now the occupant of the White House. As I see things, Christopher Columbus discovered China in 1992 and Native Americans discovered Spain in 1492.

I know you're surprised that these claims are contrary to what you learned in school, but I assure you, they are correct. Hey, I have a Ph.D. I'm therefore a know-it-all. True, my advanced degree is not in history, but a Ph.D. is a Ph.D. I have also uncovered the fact that Hitler was actually a Martian who loved Jews, and Albert Schweizer was a mass murderer.

I can't resist; I'm on a roll here.  Martin Luther King was a guard with New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association (also a member of the Ku Klux Klan), and Woody Allen won an Olympic gold medal in boxing in the heavy weight division. I'm having fun here; you're lucky I don't pile on any more, at least not for now.

Should I be made to pay, big bucks, for these nincompoop statements of mine? Let us say, at least arguendo, and quite possibly in reality, the feelings of many people were hurt by at least some of these frothings of the mouth of mine.