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IPFS News Link • Gold and Silver

Are Gold and Silver Money?

• Paul Craig Roberts

And so do America's youth.  Awhile back I posted videos of a podcaster who would offer Americans a one-ounce gold coin worth approximately $1,800 for one piece of chewing gum, only to be refused.  The youth, who pay with credit cards, not with cash, think money is digital. Consequently a bitcoin is worth many times the value of a gold coin despite the fact that a bitcoin's value is nebulous and can decline thousands of dollars in a day.

And, apparently, gold and silver are not money for people worried about inflation that is allegedly so serious that the Federal Reserve is engineering a recession and pension fund and Big Bank wipeout to stop.

With inflation high and financial investments paying so little, why haven't people sought to protect their purchasing power by going into gold and silver?  Gold and silver prices have fallen while inflation has risen. This is nonsensical.

Part of the answer is that the US dollar is high despite high inflation. This normally nonsensical relationship is because the UK pound, euro, and yen are adversely impacted by economy shutdowns due to Covid lockdowns and energy shortages created by Washington's Russian sanctions, and these countries are experiencing their own inflations from the sanctions and from the Covid lockdowns that reduced supply and cut them off from global deliveries.  Supply reductions can result in higher prices just as effectively as excessive consumer demand.