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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Virginia Democrat wants state to KIDNAP children who belong to "transphobic" parents

• by Ethan Huff

A campaign surrogate of Democrat Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger made statements at a recent school board meeting in Prince William County (PWC) suggesting that gender-dysphoric children who believe they are trans but whose parents disagree should be kidnapped by the government and transferred to "affirming households." (Related: Some members of the transgender mafia also believe that trans people should receive "reparations" for having to face deadnaming and other perceived forms of aggression.)

The topic came up when an individual in attendance questioned Democrat PWC Supervisor Kenny Boddye about a recent announcement by the group Pride Liberation Project that this is the plan moving forward.

Here is the question that was asked of Boddye: "Recently announced by the group [Pride Liberation Project] was that they were establishing, forgive me for one moment, it was the, affirming households is what they were establishing. That adults could take in kids that feel like that they're not being affirmed at home so that they can come live and reside with that adult. What are your thoughts on that policy?"
