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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Is This The End Of Executive Privilege? Or Only For Trump?

• by Alan Dershowitz

So, let's see how this would have played out if the shoe were on the other foot.

Imagine if President Donald Trump had tried to waive his predecessor's executive privilege, relating to President Barack Obama's decision to allow the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel for its continuing "occupation" of the Western Wall and the roads to Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital. Many in the Obama administration opposed this one-sided resolution as anti-Israel and wanted the United States to veto it, as it had vetoed previous anti-Israel resolutions. But Obama instructed his UN representative, Samantha Powers, not to veto it.

Trump knew he would be running against Obama's vice president and that he might gain an electoral advantage if Congress held hearings on the controversial Obama decision. What advice did Biden give Obama? Is it true that Powers wanted to veto the resolution, but Obama forbade it in order to take revenge against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his speech opposing the Iran deal?
