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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

The Democrats Have Created a Nazi State in America

• https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

The media report what the Democrat Party wants reported and nothing else, and the FBI serves as the political police that frames up Republicans while refusing to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop and Hillary Clinton's emails.

The FBI told Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg not to permit comment on Hunter Biden's laptop because it was Russian disinformation. Suckerman clicked his heels and said "Jawohl."
See also:

The FBI and Department of Justice (sic) refuse to answer questions from Republican US Senator Ron Johnson, Ranking Member, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Senator Johnson wants to know why the DOJ and FBI deep-sixed investigation of the information on Hunter Biden's laptop, as has been reported to the US Senate by FBI whistleblowers. The corrupt DOJ claims that investigation of the laptop information would jeopardize the inquiry by the US Attorney's office in Delaware of Hunter Biden's tax compliance. This, of course, is a fake excuse. Some information on the laptop would help the tax investigation if one, in fact, is in process. The other information on the laptop, as we all know, concerns entirely different matters that warrant their own investigations, investigations that in no way compromise the tax inquiry allegedly underway, which really might just be an excuse for no investigation.