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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Dr Vernon Coleman: 'Something very dangerous is going to happen with the new Flu Jab'

• Dr Vernon Coleman

It's July 2022 and this is video number 315.

I want to tell you how a brand new novel flu vaccine is being tested because I think you should know. And because I think it shines a bright light on how new drugs and vaccines are tested. And because I think something very, very dangerous might happen.

The National Institutes in the United States has just published information about a trial examining the safety and effectiveness of a new inactivated whole virus universal influenza vaccine. It's called BPL 1357 and the BPL refers to betaproprolactone which is used as a disinfectant to destroy the nucleic acid core of viruses.

The first thing you should know is that the initial study will involve 45 participants.
