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IPFS News Link • Weapons/Weaponry

How Your DNA Tests Could Make You a Target for Bioweapons

•, By Derrick Broze

The statements from Crow and Ernst happened at the Aspen Security Forum during a panel titled "National Security Today: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities".

Crow, a Democrat from Colorado and member of the House Intelligence Committee, chastised younger Americans for being too eager to give up their genetic code to private companies who offer DNA testing services.

"People will very rapidly spit into a cup and send it to 23andMe and get really interesting data about their background," Crow stated. "And guess what? Their DNA is now owned by a private company. It can be sold off with very little intellectual property protection or privacy protection and we don't have legal and regulatory regimes to deal with that."

Crow went on to say that a conversation around privacy must acknowledge that "expectations of privacy have degraded over the last 20 years", and "young folks actually have very little expectation of privacy, that's what the polling and the data show."

Beyond concerns of privacy and who owns your DNA, Crow also warned that the DNA data is "going to be procured and collected by our adversaries for the development" of weapons systems that target a specific DNA trait or category.

"You can actually take someone's DNA, take, you know, their medical profile and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person or take them off the battlefield or make them inoperable," Crow warned at the Aspen Security Forum.